Green key: this is used
-to answer an incoming call in hands free mode,
-when the set is idle or in communication, to call back the last number dialed (LNR function) or to access the LNR log,
-when consulting the directories and logs, to call the displayed number.
Red key: this is used
-to disconnect ringing during an incoming call,
-during a communication, to end the call,
-during programming, to cancel a setting or end a programming sequence,
-when the set is idle, to lock/unlock the set (hold down the key).
Directory key: used to activate the directory function when the set is idle or in communication
-to call a personal abbreviated number,
-to consult and make calls from the directories and the incoming calls log.
Programming key: this is used to access
-the programming (numbers and functions),
-the settings for the set (rings and contrast),
-the customization of the set (directories management).
Loudspeaker key: this is used
-when the set is idle, to enable and to disable the intercom function,
-during an incoming call, to answer in hands free mode,
-during a call, to enable and to disable the loudspeaker and hands free modes.
The associated lamp illuminates or blinks depending on the case.
Mute key: during a call, this key lets you to
The associated lamp illuminates to remind you that the feature has been enabled.
R key (Flashing): during a call, this key is used to access dialing (to call a second correspondent, for instance).
Voice mail direct access key: when the set is idle, this key is used to call your voice mailbox.
Navigator: is made up of four direction keys and one central key.
-The or
keys are used to display a selection or a record.
-The or
keys are used to display additional information about the record or to carry out a setting.
-The key is used to confirm a choice, a setting or an entry.