The voice mailbox
The voice mailbox*
The voicemail system* helps you manage your communications when you are absent or when you simply don't want to be disturbed. For the voicemail system to be able to record your messages, you must configure and customize your mailbox, and then have your calls forwarded.
Configuring and customizing your voice mailbox*
You must call the voicemail system in order to gain access to the voice mailbox configuration and customization menus.
- Dial the voicemail number
You can also press the Comm interactive key and then the
Or press the key.
You will be guided by voice prompts instructing you about the various commands, so that you can invoke the main menu.
We recommend you to immediately:
-personalize your password;
-record your name;
-record your greeting message.
If necessary, consult your system operator for additional information on using the voicemail system.
Activating forwarding of calls to the voicemail system
If you want to forward your calls to the voicemail system:
1 - Press the Funct., Feature and Forward interactive keys in succession.
2 - Select the type of forwarding (delayed forwarding, for example).
3 - Select the origin of calls to be forwarded (such as calls from all origins).
* Depending on the features provided by your system operator. | 55 |