112 Bandwidth Management
Region Provisioning detail
1, 2, 3 Prefixesfor branch offices for regular calls not required.
May still have prefixes for E-911 calls, if required.
1All branch offices are provisioned at the NRS to route
all calls through the main office.
1Main office sends all UDP calls to destinations that are
not its own Branch Office to the NRS with unchanged
dialled digits.
1Main office sends all UDP calls to destinations that are
its own Branch Office to the NRS after deleting the
HLOC and converting to CDP.
2,3 Similar configuration, as above, applies to regions 2
and 3.
Call between two local branch offices
Figure 40 "Call flow for Scenario 2 - local call dials CDP" (page 112) shows
the NRS Configuration web page in Element Manager.
Figure 40
Call flow for Scenario 2 - local call dials CDP
1. The Branch Office user dials 3456 (CDP). The system transmits 3456 to
the NRS. The NRS checks its provisioning,and deter mines that all calls
are to be sent to the main office; it directs the call to the main office.
2. The Branch Office sends the call to 3456 to the main office.
3. The main office determines that this is to another Branch Office. The
system transmits 3456 to the NRS. The NRS checks its provisioning,
and determines that all calls to 3456 in this CDP domain are to be sent
to Branch Office A2; it directs the call to the Branch Office.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning
NN43001-314 01.02 Standard
Release 5.0 20 June 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks