Adaptive Network Bandwidth Management 73
Figure 17
Call Progress with Adaptive Network Bandwidth Management
Zone bandwidth management and Adaptive Network BandwidthManagement
Using Element Manager or the Command Line Interface (CLI), previously
configured zones (exceptZone 0) can have the Adaptive Network Bandwidth
Management feature turned on or off. Once turned on, alarm threshold
levels and the QoS coefficients can be adjusted fromthe default values.
Adaptive Network Bandwidth Management cannot be enabled for Zone 0.
When Adaptive Network Bandwidth Management is enabled for a particular
zone on the Call Server, the zone appears in the zone table. The zone table
can be displayed using Element Manager or LD 117. When a call is made
from the configured zone to another zone, the bandwidth used appears in
the zone table.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning
NN43001-314 01.02 Standard
Release 5.0 20June 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks