Signaling Server software installation 241
3Label the CD appropriately (for example, Signaling Server,
The SoftwareCD-ROM must be readable in a standard CD-ROM drive. After
you create a CD from the CD image, the CD contains several directories
and files. If you cannot create a CD,please refer to the CD writer’s software
Once the CD is created, you can use it to install new software or upgrade
software on an existing Signaling Server.
Installing the Signaling Server software
Before proceeding, you must complete Procedure 16 "Connecting and
powering up the Signaling Server" (page 235).
If you are installing the software on a newSignaling Ser ver,or If you
are upgrading the software, refer to Signaling Server Installation and
Commissioning (NN43001-312).
Upgrading the SIgnaling Server software
Use the Signaling Server Install Toolto upgrade the Signaling Server
software, refer to Signaling Server Installation and Commissioning
Toupgrade the Signaling Server software, the IP Phone firmware, and the
VoiceGateway Media Card loadware, select option ain the Main Menu of
the Install Tool(see Install Tool Main Menu). To upgrade only the Signaling
Server software, select option bin the Main Menu.
Refer to Signaling Server Installation and Commissioning (NN43001-312)
for more information on upgrading and rec-onfiguring the Signaling Server.
Signaling Server tools
See Procedure 18 "Viewing the ToolsMenu" (page 241) to access the
options in the Signaling Server Install Tools menu.
Procedure 18
Viewing the ToolsMenu
Step Action
Use this option to set the date and time on the Signaling Server. This is also
where you can reset the shell login names and passwords (if you forgot
them or simply want to restore the initial defaults).
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning
NN43001-314 01.02 Standard
Release 5.0 20June 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks