50 Overview
Refer to "Firmware downloads" (page 345) for more information on
upgrading firmware for the IP Phone 2001, IP Phone 2002, IP Phone 2004,
and IP Phone 2007.
Package Combinations
The MG 1000B with MGC requires existing packages 402 SOFTSWITCH
and 403 IPMG that were introduced in Rls 4.0.
Package combinations supported using the Rls 4.5 MG 1000B are
supported by the MG 1000B with MGC.
For MG 1000B with MGCs, the Branch Office package 390 and IPMG
package 403 are required.
GRPRIM (Geographic Redundancy Primary CS Package) and GRSEC
(Geographic Redundancy Secondary CS Package) are restricted on Branch
Office environment.
Supported applications
The Branch Office feature supports TM 3.01, Nortel Integrated Conference
Bridge, Nortel Integrated Recorded Announcer, CallPilot Mini, and CallPilot
201i at the Branch Office location.
SurvivabilityThe Branch Office provides survivability against WAN failure, Main Office
Call Server failure, or Signaling Server failure. Survivability is also provided
during the Main Office upgrade, including Signaling Server and Call Server
upgrade. A Call Server and Signaling Server are required in the Branch
Office with CS 1000 Release 5.0.
The Branch Office supports Geographic Redundancy as a Main Office
feature. For further information on Geographic Redundancy, see System
Redundancy (NN43001-507).
Branch Office supports the Network Wide Redundancy Phase II feature,
which is supported by the MG 1000B to providesur vivability to IP telephones
normally registered with a CS 2100 and CS 1000. For additional information
see theSystem Redundancy (NN43001-507)NTP.
If a LAN/WAN fails,the MG 1000B IP Phones lose communication with the
main office TPS. This causes the IP Phones to reset and register with the
MG 1000B TPS and the MG 1000B Call Server. The IP Phones operate in
Local Mode, and receive call processing services from the call server. In
Local Mode, the MG 1000B TPS tries to communicate with the main office
TPS at regular intervals. Once communication is established with the main
office TPS, the MG 1000B IP Phones are redirected to the main office.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning
NN43001-314 01.02 Standard
Release 5.0 20 June 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks