Bandwidth Management Support forNetwork Wide Virtual Office
Contents This section contains information on the following topics:
Section "Feature description" (page 121)
Section "Feature interactions" (page 122)
Section "Feature packaging" (page 123)
Section "Feature implementation" (page 123)
Section "Feature operation" (page 125)

Feature description

Bandwidth Management Support for Network Wide Virtual Office (NWVO)
allows the assignment of the same Virtual Private Network Identifier, VPNI,
to all Call Servers in a network, such that the entire network can be identified
by one VPNI number. It allows the assignment of the same Bandwidth
Zone number to different Call Servers and to have an INTRAZONE policy
between them. At the same time this feature does not interfere with
the existing functionality of the Bandwidth Management (BWM) feature,
because previous bandwidth configuration rules are still supported. This
feature extendsthe meaning of the Vir tual Private Network Identifier (VPNI).
In previous releases, VPNI was used to identify one customer system
(Main Office (MO) switch + Branch Office (BO) switches connected to this
MO switch). In release 5.0, a VPNI number identifies the whole customer
network that includes all MO and BO switches.
This feature introduces a new Current Zone field for the IPsets to
distinguish between the Bandwidth Zone number configured for the IP set
and the current, real, zone number that is not configurable, but is changed
dynamically by Virtual Office feature operation. The Current Zone field is
used in the bandwidth calculation routines instead of the Configured Zone
field to have correct bandwidth calculation in case of NWVOcall scenarios.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning
NN43001-314 01.02 Standard
Release 5.0 20 June 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks