340 Abbreviated Dialing configuration
Procedure 42
Configuring Pretranslation Groups
Step Action
While not required, it is recommended that the Pretranslation Group number
(XLAT)be the same as the number of the zone to which it is assigned.
1In LD 18, configure the Pretranslation Group for each main office
LD 18 Configure Pretranslation Group for each zone.
Prompt Response Description
REQ NEW Add new data.
TYPE PRE Pretranslation Group
XLAT 1-8191 Group number. Correlates Pretranslation Group to Speed Call
- PRE 1-8190 PretranslationSpeed Call List Number. Correspondsto LSNO
defined in LD 18, TYPE=SCL
2Repeat Step 1 to configure the Pretranslation Group for each Branch
Office zone.
3In LD 18, configure the default Pretranslation Group atthe main
LD 18 Configure default Pretranslation Group.
Prompt Response Description
REQ NEW Add new data.
TYPE PRE Pretranslation Group
XLAT 0Default Zone number
- PRE 0DefaultPretranslation Speed Call List Number
4In LD 15, activate the Pretranslation feature.
LD 15 Activate Pretranslation feature.
Prompt Response Description
REQ: CHG Change existing data.
TYPE: FTR Features and options
PREO 1Activate Pretranslation feature
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning
NN43001-314 01.02 Standard
Release 5.0 20 June 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks