362 Appendix A Preprogrammed data
"Default numbering plan" (page 362)
"Flexible FeatureCodes" (page 364)
"SDI ports" (page 364)
"Trunkroutes" (page 366)
"System parameters" (page 367)
"Customer data" (page 367)
"Trunkmodels" (page 367)
"Telephonemodels" (page 370)
Passwords and codes
Table29 "Passwords and codes" (page 362) lists each function and its
default password or code. The user may be prompted to change the
password upon first entry.
Table 2 9
Passwordsand codes
Function Code or extension
TTY password
(For access to TTY system overlays) 0000
Level 1 login name access ADMIN1
Level 1 password access 0000
Level 2 login name access ADMIN2
Level 2 password access 0000
Administration telephone password 1234
Administration telephone FFC *41
SPRE code 1
Telephone relocation Flexible Feature Code *40
Telephone Removal Flexible Feature Code *42
Telephone relocation password (SRCD) 1234
Default numbering plan
The default numbering plan for a Branch Office is based on the following
The default numbering plan uses four digits and starts at 2200.
The prime extension number (DN) foreach telephone is in the range
2200-2XXX. The value of "XXX" varies depending on the number of
telephones in the system. Secondary extension numbers use numbers
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning
NN43001-314 01.02 Standard
Release 5.0 20 June 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks