332 Basic Emergency Services When VO Logged Out
If the timer expires butthe phone is involved in a call, the time out event
is ignored. When this call is finished, the 20 minute timer reloads.
Provisioning, Administration and Maintenance
The Basic Emergency Services When VO Logged Out feature is provisioned
like follows:
Step Action
1First, specify the number of emergency TNs in the pool and specify
the range of the emergency pool in LD 24.
2Then go to LD 11 and configure emergency TNs.
Enter the new VOLO response for the type prompt. Very limited
information is prompted for the ESTN (basically,only the DN used
for the call is required).
The system saves the VOLOTNs in a new,fully restricted data block
similar to IP Phone 2001. Because these TNs are fully restricted to
provide only one DN to access emergency numbers while the set
is in VOLO state, Emergency TNs do not use up any user licences
3Use LD 117 to print the used emergency TNs.
4The isetShow command output displays if the logged out phone is
registered with the Call Server, and uses emergency TN.
5LD 32 idu command shows a different type of TN (VOLO) when
6LD 80 trak command shows a different type of TN (VOLO) when
printing TN info.
Because the emergency TNs are stored with no features configured, the
only primary key label downloaded to the logged out phone is for making
a call. The soft keys, feature keys, and information area of the display are
emptied as the set registers.
Keeping Logged Out State
The remote user, who logged on to the TN that the emergency call was
made from, may go back to its home TN during this time. According to the
existing functionality,this forces the logged out phone to reregister with
its home TN as well.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning
NN43001-314 01.02 Standard
Release 5.0 20 June 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks