Conversion 203
on upgrading an existing system to CS 1000 Release 5.0 software. Refer
to Signaling Server Installation and Commissioning (NN43001-312) for
instructions on installing a Signaling Server on a Meridian 1 system.
If a Signaling Server is added to a previously CISPR Class B system
(previously used in some specificcountries), the system is now compliant to
Class A, as noted in the front and back pages of this document.
If a main office does not exist, you can designate an existing office as a
main office. Refer to "Main office configuration" (page 209) for instructions
on setting up a main office.
Implementation summary
Service Interruption
Converting an existing Small System is equivalent to installing
a new Branch Office, and service is interrupted during the
conversion process.
The duration of the service outage depends on the extent of
reconfiguration required at the existing Small System and main
office sites.
While it may theoretically be possible to convert a fully
pre-equipped Small System without shutting downser vice, Nortel
recommends a cold start for the Branch Office installation.
Nortel recommends that you back up your database before beginningthe
conversion. Use the EDD command in LD 43 or use NRS Manager to perform
the datadump.
Use the following steps to convert a Small System to a Branch Office and
incorporate it into a Branch Office network:
Step Action
1Configure the main office:
a. Follow the procedures in ""Implementation summary" (page
194)," step 1 to set up and configure the main office.
b. Use the new keycode to change the Licenses to allow forthe
additional requirements of the associated branch offices. In
particular, ensure that the IP USERS and BASIC IP USERS
licenses are increased to include the total number of IP Phones
in the main offices and the new branch offices.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning
NN43001-314 01.02 Standard
Release 5.0 20 June 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks