Configuring the dialing plan for PSTN access to Branch Users in Normal Mode 297
If ISPN is YES, the CLID is formed based on the call-type before digit
manipulation. INST digits are inserted, and the CLID is considered an IP
Special Number. The call-type before digit manipulation is determined as
If the call-type before digit manipulation is SPN (Special Number), it
is converted to a value corresponding to the CLTPparameter in the
Special Number Translationsdata block, as shown in Table 21.
Tabl e 25
Mapping between from CTYP parameter in SPN block to call-type before
digit manipulation
CLTP parameter Call-type before digit manipulation
NATL National PSTN
INTL International PSTN
If the call-type before digit manipulation is not SPN (Special Number),it
is not changed.

CLID verification

Use the CLIDVERprompt in LD 20 to verify that the CLID has been properly
composed and configured. This command simulates a call, without actually
making the call, and generates a report of the properties of the call. Refer
to "Verify CLID" (page 355) formore information.
Configuring the dialing plan for PSTN access to Branch Users inNormal Mode

Preparing to configure the dialing plan

Before configuring the dialing plan for PSTN access to Branch Users in
Normal Mode, you must complete the followingsteps:
At the main office, configure the Virtual Trunkto enable calls originating
on MG 1000B IP Phones in Normal Mode to reach the Branch
Office. Refer to IP Peer Networking Installation and Commissioning
(NN43001-313) for details.
At the main office, configure trunks foraccess to the PSTN.
At the Branch Office, configure the Virtual Trunk to enablecalls
originating on MG 1000B IP Phones in Normal Mode to reach the Branch
Office. Refer to IP Peer Networking Installation and Commissioning
(NN43001-313) for details.
At the Branch Office, configure trunks for access to the PSTN.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning
NN43001-314 01.02 Standard
Release 5.0 20June 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks