| |
| Table | |
Command | Description | Response |
STAT | Requests virtual call status of | ENGAGED or FREE |
| the DTE |
CLR | Disconnects the current virtual | CLR CONF, CLR ERR, or CLR |
| call | DER |
RESET | Resets the current virtual call | Acknowledgment PAD service |
| signal or ERR * |
INT | Transmits an interrupt packet | Acknowledgment PAD service |
| signal or ERR * |
SET | Sets or changes the value of | Acknowledgment PAD service |
| one or more of the current | signal or ERR or PAR (list of |
| parameters | specified parameters and INV) |
| * |
PAR? | Requests display of the current | PAR (list of specified |
| values of the specified | parameters with their current |
| parameters | values or INV) |
SET? | Requests the setting or | PAR (list of specified |
| changing of the current values | parameters with their current |
| of the specified parameters | values or INV) or ERR |
| and display the values after the |
| setting or changing |
RPAR? | Requests the display from the | PAR (list of specified |
| remote PAD of the current | parameters with their current |
| values of the specified | values or INV) |
| parameters |
RSET? | Requests the setting or | PAR (list of specified |
| changing from the remote PAD | parameters with their current |
| of the current values of the | values or INV) or ERR |
| specified parameters and |
| displays the values after the |
| setting or changing |
PROF | Loads or Stores the current X.3 | Acknowledgment PAD service |
| profile | signal or ERR* |
PAD Select | Sets up and establishes a | COMM, ERR, or CLR xxx (see |
Command | virtual call | PAD Clear Service Signals) |
*Acknowledgment PAD service signal is transmitted to the local DTE as a carriage return and a line feed.
UTA220/UTA220k |