Table 15 UEFI Shell Commands (continued)
UEFI Shell Command | Definition |
cp | Copies one or more files or directories to another location |
cpuconfig | Deconfigure/Reconfigure processor sockets and threads |
date | Displays or changes the current system date |
dblk | Displays one or more blocks from a block device |
dbprofile | Manage direct boot profiles |
default | Set default values |
devices | Displays the list of devices managed by UEFI drivers |
devtree | Displays the UEFI Driver Model compliant device tree |
dh | Displays UEFI handle information |
disconnect | Disconnects one or more UEFI drivers from a device |
dmem | Displays the contents of memory |
dmpstore | Displays, saves, loads or deletes all UEFI NVRAM variables |
drivers | Displays the UEFI driver list |
drvcfg | Invokes the Driver Configuration Protocol |
drvdiag | Invokes the Driver Diagnostics Protocol |
echo | Controls batch file command echoing or displays a message |
edit | Full screen editor for ASCII or UNICODE files |
eficompress | Compress a file |
efidecompress | Decompress a file |
errdump | View/Clear logs |
exit | Exits the UEFI Shell environment |
for | Executes commands for each item in a set of items |
ftp | Perform FTP operation |
goto | Forces batch file execution to jump to specified location |
guid | Displays all registered UEFI GUIDs |
help | Displays the UEFI Shell command list or verbose command help |
hexedit | Full screen hex editor |
if | Executes commands in specified conditions |
ifconfig | Modify the default IP address of UEFI network stack |
info | Display hardware information |
input | Take user input and place in UEFI variable |
ioconfig | Deconfigure/Reconfigure IO components or settings |
lanaddress | Display LAN devices |
lanboot | LAN boot |
load | Loads and optionally connects one or more UEFI drivers |
loadpcirom | Loads a PCI Option ROM |
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