Parameter 10: Line Folding
Parameter 10 specifies the maximum number of displayable ASCII characters the PAD can send as a single line to the local DTE before a new line is begun. The displayable ASCII decimal characters (32 - 126) are shown in Appendix F. When the maximum character number is reached, the PAD inserts a PAD format effecter (carriage return and line feed) into the data stream being transmitted or echoed to the local DTE device. The format effecter advances the local DTE device display to the beginning of the next line to continue the display of the data. In the event the local DTE device automatically inserts line folding when the characters reach the
| Table |
Value | Description |
0 | No line folding * |
1 to 255 | Number of displayable ASCII characters per line |
Parameter 11: Binary Speed of Local DTE
Parameter 11 reflects the current speed of the local DTE, which is set automatically when the terminal adapter receives an AT command prefix while in the AT command mode. This is a READ ONLY parameter. The speed indicated by parameter 11 is the same speed indicated by S61.
Note: The parameter 11 value for the DTE speed does not correspond to the same value for S61 for the same DTE speed (see S61).
| Table |
Value | Description |
2 | 300 bits / sec |
3 | 1200 bits / sec |
12 | 2400 bits / sec |
13 | 4800 bits / sec |
14 | 9600 bits / sec |
15 | 19200 bits / sec |
16 | 38400 bits / sec |
UTA220/UTA220k |