Appendix B IBM ProPrinter X24 and IBM ProPrinter II Commands
B.2 Command Description (by function)
When you select the EMULATION: IBM Proprinter X24 or IBM ProPrinter II parameter in the setup, the machine interprets all the commands of the IBM ProPrinter X24 and IBM ProPrinter II printer, grouped according to their codes, as follows:
•Basic Operations
•Line Feed
•Print Pitches
•Print Attributes
•Down Line Loading of Customized Characters (DLL)
•Other Functions
B.2.1 Basic Operations
Before printing, the printer stores the image of a line in the print buffer. All the commands concerning this section result in immediate printing of the buffer contents.
•BS : Backspace
•CR : Carriage return
•FF : Form feed
•HT : Horizontal tabulation
•LF : Line feed
•VT : Vertical tabulation
Backspace | Hexadecimal code : 08 |
Moves the print head back one print pitch of the selected value.
Special features:
•by two steps, if double width has been selected
•ignored if the current position is the start of the line
•a fixed step (10 cpi), if proportional spacing has been selected
Carriage Return | Hexadecimal code: 0D |
Prints the current line and sets the printing position at the left margin.
Also causes a line feed, if the parameter CR + LF = YES has been selected during the setup or if ESC 5 1 is transmitted from host.