Configuring the Printer
The following items can be modified according to the IBM parameters.
Note: In the different emulations the items shown are not equal. The option’s which are printed in bold indicate the actual setting.
| |
Parameter | Option | Explanation | Note |
EMULATION | IBM X24 | Select your printer |
| IBM PPII | emulation |
AGM | NO | NO = ignore AGM graphic | AGM is only for IBM |
| YES | printing | X24 printers valid. |
| YES = AGM graphic |
| printing is active |
HIGH SPEED PRINTING | YES | Selecting high speed |
| NO | printing mode. |
| A4 SHEET | NO = no draft mode. |
| FANFOLD PAPER | A4 SHEET = always draft |
| mode when the paper is A4 |
| Sheet. |
| always draft mode when the |
| paper is fanfold paper. |
| YES: = the print mode |
| always is draft. |
CPI | 10 | Defines the number of |
| 12 | characters printed per inch. |
| 15 |
| 17.1 |
| 20 |
LPI | 5 | Defines the number of lines |
| printed per inch. | |
| 6 | |
| |
CHARACTER DEFINITION | DRAFT | Selecting the printing |
| LQ | quality. |
LF+CR | NO | YES: LF = LF + CR |
| YES | NO: LF = LF |
CR+LF | NO | NO: CR = CR |
| YES | YES: CR = CR + LF |
LEFT MARG. (1/60") | 0 | To adjust the left margin |
| more to left or right in units | |
| of 1/60" inch (about 4 mm). |
TOP MARG. (1/60") | 0 | Adjust the top margin in |
| units of 1/60 inch (about | |
| 4 mm). |
TOF = Top Of Form