Quick Tour 13, 42 smartphone battery 20,

317 renaming

documents 245 expansion cards 280 files 167

items in folders 269 notes 233, 261 pictures or videos 206 workbooks 257 worksheets 254

repeating appointments 224 repeating sounds 73, 290 repeating tasks 229 replacing

information 256 smartphone battery 318–


text 242, 263 Request message delivery

notification option 140 Require PIN when phone is used check box 300

reset button 316

resets 300, 316–318, 322 caution for 317


keyboard keys 296

web pages 165 resolution (camera) 336 resolution (screen) 360 restarting smartphone. See

resets restoring

backups 318, 331 information 317, 318 sound settings 288

restoring factory defaults 214 Resume playback option 214 reverse type 31 right-click menus. See

shortcut menus Ring tone command 74 ringer

adjusting volume for 74 silencing 53

turning off 74 Ringer switch 53, 288 ringtone files 72, 142 ringtone managers 337 ringtones

assigning to caller IDs 74 assigning to contacts 74,

218 downloading 72 previewing 73 selecting 72

sending 144 roaming 66, 99, 330 Roaming option 73 rotating pictures 206, 207 running programs icon 40


safety information 2

Save as Template command 145

Save password check box 97, 109, 111

Save to Contacts prompt 57 Save to Drafts command 117 Save to list 279


documents 240, 241, 243, 245

email messages 117 files 167, 278 multimedia messages 154 notes 233, 234, 297 passwords 109, 111 phone numbers 57–58workbooks 247, 249, 258

Schedule command 99 scheduled syncs 330, 333 schedules. See calendar scheduling synchronization


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Page 386
Image 386
Palm PMG0501000P Renaming, 319, Resets 300, 316-318, 322 caution for, Backups 318, 331 information 317, 318 sound settings