Paradyne 8779, U8777 manual Select Access To Configure, Table A-5

Models: U8777 8779

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3. Initial Startup and Configuration

See Appendix A, Configuration Options, for a list and explanation of the configuration options available

Select . . .

o Access the . . .

To Configure the . . .





Network Interface Options (Table A-1)

DSL interface ports.





DSX-1 Interface Options – Model 8777

DSX-1 interface ports


(Table A-4)

(Model 8777).


G.703 Interface Options – Model 8779

G.703 interface ports


(Table A-5)

(Model 8779).




Copy Ports

Copy Port Options (Table A-6)

DSL network and DTE



interface ports by copying



options from port to port.




System Options

System Options (Table A-7)

General system options of



the unit.




System Clock

System Clock Options (Table A-8)

LTU system clock options.





Cross-Connect Mode Options –

DS1 and DS0


Model 8779 (Table A-10)

cross-connect ports.


Assign Time Slots Options



(Table A-11)





Management and

Telnet Session Options (Table A-12)

Management support of


General SNMP Management

the unit through SNMP,


Telnet and the Inband


Options (Table A-13)


Management Channel.




SNMP NMS Security Options



(Table A-14)



TSNMP Traps Options (Table A-15)



Inband Management Channel



Options – Model 8779 (Table A-16)






May 2002


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Paradyne 8779, U8777 manual Select Access To Configure, Table A-5