Paradyne 8779, U8777 manual Configuration Options

Models: U8777 8779

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A. Configuration Options

3.Perform the following:

From the upstream router, ping the MCP management IP address. Record the ping response time.

From the management platform, ping the MCP management address. Record the ping response time.

From the management platform, Telnet to the MCP card and verify that you can navigate through the DSLAM.

From the management platform, FTP a firmware file to an external TFTP server on your network.

From the 8779 unit, download the configuration file to an external TFTP server on your network.

If an SNMP trap manager is available, generate a trap and verify that the trap was received by the trap manager.

If OpenLane Service Level Management is available, discover the DSLAM and navigate through the OpenLane screens.


May 2002


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Paradyne 8779, U8777 manual Configuration Options