Printronix L1024 manual RS±232 Serial Interface, RS±232 Interface Connector Pin Assignments

Models: L1024

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RS±232 Serial Interface

This interface is used with bit serial devices compatible with EIA RS±232C or CCITT V.24 standards. The interface circuit characteristics are compatible with the Electronic Industry Association Specification.

The printer is configured as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE).

The serial data transfer baud rate is selectable from the control panel. The input format consists of a single start bit, 7 or 8 data bits, and one or two stop bits. The operator can set the number of data bits from the control panel. The data bits are interpreted with the least significant bit first. The operator can also set parity checking via the control panel. The printer interface uses a first±in/first±out buffer with the size selectable from the control panel. The asynchronous interface accepts data as it is provided by the host computer.

The maximum cable length from the host computer to the printer is 50 feet.

RS±232 Interface Connector Pin Assignments

The printer provides a 25±pin DB±25S connector on the rear panel for connection of a serial interface cable. Table B±4 lists the pin assignments of the RS±232 interface connector.

Table B±4. RS±232 Serial Interface Pin Assignments











Chassis Ground

Not applicable


Transmit Data (TxD)

From printer






Receive Data (RxD)

To printer





Request To Send (RTS)

From printer





Clear To Send (CTS)

To printer





Data Set Ready (DSR)

To printer





Signal Ground

Not applicable





Carrier Detect (CD)

To printer




11, 14

Reverse Channel (RC)

From printer


(no connects)






Data Terminal Ready (DTR)

From printer




Host I/O Interfaces


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Printronix L1024 manual RS±232 Serial Interface, RS±232 Interface Connector Pin Assignments