RTS Polarity
Values: Normal or Inverted.
This parameter allows the RTS signal to be inverted if required for a particular installation.
Buffer Size
Values: 8192 bytes.
This parameter reflects the size in characters of the printer's data buffer.
Number of Buffers
Values: 2.
This parameter reflects the number of data buffers in the printer's memory.
FIFO Trigger
Values: None, 1, 4, 8, or 14.
You can specify how many bytes the input First In, First Out (FIFO) buffer will store before the bytes are sent to the printer's data buffer.
Values: None, Transmit, or Loop±back.
Used to test the serial interface circuits. Tests include a data transmission test and a serial loop±back test (which requires a loop±back plug).
Series 1 Poll
Values: 0, 1, 2, ... 255.
Specifies the poll character to be used be the host computer to request printer status using series 1 protocol.
3±42 | Configuring the Printer |