Printronix L1024 manual Font Weight, Drive B Fonts, Installed Fonts

Models: L1024

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Font Weight

This option specifies the weight of font to be used for printing.

The selections are standard characters, bold characters, and extra bold characters. The default value for this parameter is standard characters.

Drive B: Fonts

Values: Disabled or Enabled.

This tells the system if fonts installed in Drive B: should be used. If disabled, your boot time will be shorter, but the printer will not use any fonts installed in disk drive B.

NOTE: For PCL±V and IPDS, the fonts installed in Drive B: will always be read.

Installed Fonts

This displays a list of fonts installed in the system. No selections may be made; this is for information purposes only.

NOTE: The bitmapped fonts in IPDS will not be displayed in this menu.

Configuring the Printer


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Printronix L1024 manual Font Weight, Drive B Fonts, Installed Fonts