D Disk Space Savings
This appendix provides instructions for loading and using one, and only one, language for control panel messages. Procedures and examples are given for using a single language and deleting the unused languages from the disk.
Deleting unused languages from the distribution disk will increase space for forms/font storage.
NOTE: Before conducting any of these procedures it is necessary to make a backup copy of the distribution disk. Use only the backup copy when performing these procedures.
English as the single language
English is the default language. If the single language to be used is English, it is a simple matter of deleting the language files that will not be used.
Place the backup copy of the distribution disk in the PC disk drive and delete the following language files:
Place the changed disk in the printer drive and apply power to the printer.
Other languages as the single language
For this example, the German language will be used as the single language. The procedure will be the same for the desired language.
Since German is not the default language on the distribution disk, a save configuration and a power±up configuration must be issued to make the German language the default language at power±up.
Disk Space Savings | D±1 |