Chapter 5: Using The PC Connection
Getting Help
Note: You can change the look of Explorer using options in the View menu; therefore, the appearance of your own screen may vary slightly from those shown.
5.3 Getting Help
5.3.1 Where Can I Find More Help?
ActiveSync includes comprehensive online help, which describes all of the applica- tion's features and functionality. Please consult the online help for further informa- tion or guidance on using ActiveSync.
You can display the help topics by
Note: You can display help for a particular task or dialog by pressing the F1 key.
5.3.2 Tips On Using ActiveSync Help
From the Help window, you can find the information you require as follows:
From the Contents tab
you can select a topic from a structured list, e.g. how to perform a particular task, or troubleshooting information about how to solve a problem. To find the topic you want,
From the Index page
you can find the topic you want by entering any word linked to the subject, such as ‘backup’ to find topics containing information about how to back up
From the Find page
you can search for an exact word or phrase contained within a topic, such as ‘serial port’ to find all the topics in the online Help containing this phrase.
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