AT Command Reference
80-99208-1 Rev. D 6-73
Results Returned
Use Van Jacobsen Header Compression ($QCVJ)
$QCVJ[=<usevj>|?|=? ]

Allows Van Jacobse n header compression to be tu rned on or

off for the next negotiated connection.

Valid Va lue( s)
Missing Parameter Default Value(s)
Power-On/Reset Default Value(s)
Result Code Condition
OK The values entered into the
command were correct.
ERROR Incorrect syntax, value out of range,
or incorrect number of parameters
$QCTCP: <tcpmod>,
? is used to q uery current sett ing.
$QCTCP: (0-1),
(0-1500), (0,1500),
(0-1500),(0-54464) ,
(0-54464),(0-1000) ,
=? is used to query acceptable range
if the <value> parameter
0Turn Van Jacobsen header compression off.
1Use Van Jacobsen header compression.
1Use Van Jacobsen header compression.
<usevj> = 1