Bnd ~ (Bend ~ )

When you move the pitch bend lever or pitch wheel of a MIDI keyboard, pitch bend messages are transmit- ted, modifying the sound. The Bnd ~ parameters specify the way in which the sound will change when these messages are received. With the factory settings of these parameters, the pitch will be modified.

CAf ~ (Channel aftertouch ~ )

On some MIDI keyboards, pressing down on the key after a note is played will cause aftertouch messages to be transmitted. (Channel Aftertouch is sometimes called Channel Pressure.) This unit is able to receive these messages and modify the sound in response. The CAf ~ parameters specify the way in which the sound will change when these messages are received. With the factory settings of these parameters, no effect will occur.

*Check whether your MIDI keyboard is able to transmit aftertouch messages.

CC1 ~ (CC1 ~ )

Some MIDI keyboards allow controller numbers to be assigned to the sliders. When these sliders are moved, messages of the specified controller number are trans- mitted, causing the sound to be modified. The CC1 parameters specify how the sound will change when messages of the corresponding control number are received.

First use the CC1 C.Number parameter (previous page) to select the controller number that you are assigning.

~Range -24 — +24 (Bend Range is ± 0 — +24) These parameters specify the maximum pitch change that will occur when the corresponding message is received. A setting of 12 allows 1 octave of change, and a setting of 24 allows 2 octaves of change. With a setting of 0, there will be no pitch change.

*For some sounds, the pitch may not rise as high as specified by the Range setting.

~ Cutoff (~ Cutoff frequency)

-64 — +63

These parameters specify how the cutoff frequency will change when the corresponding message is received. Higher values will cause the cutoff frequency to rise. Positive (+) settings allow the sound to be made brighter, and negative (-) settings allow the sound to be made more mellow.

~ Amp (~ Amplitude)

-64 — +63

These parameters specify the way in which the sound will change when the corresponding message is received. Higher values allow a greater increase in vol- ume.

~ LFO Rate (~ LFO Rate)

-64 — +63

These parameters specify the way in which the LFO frequency will change when the corresponding message is received, adjusting the speed at which the sound is modulated or varied. Higher values allow the modulation or variation to be speeded up.

~ LFO Pch (~ LFO Pitch)

0 — 127

These parameters specify the way in which the depth of the vibrato effect (cyclic modulation of pitch) will change when the corresponding message is received. Higher values allow the modulation effect to be increased.


0 — 127

These parameters specify the way in which the depth of the growl effect (cyclic modulation of tone) will change when the corresponding message is received. Higher values allow the growl effect to be increased.


0 — 127

These parameters specify the way in which the depth of the tremolo effect (cyclic modulation of volume) will change when the corresponding message is received. Higher values allow the tremolo effect to be increased.

* When these settings are at 0, there will be no effect.


Chapter 2. Parts and paramters