Chorus parameter functionChorus (Chorus Type)

You can choose from 8 types of chorus.

Chorus1 Chorus2 Chorus3 Chorus4 These are conventional chorus effects that add spaciousness and depth to the sound.

Feedback Chorus

This is a chorus with a flanger-like effect and a soft sound.


This is an effect sounding somewhat like a jet airplane taking off and landing.

Short Delay

This is a delay with a short delay time.

Short Delay (FB)

This is a short delay with many repeats.

When you change the Chorus Type, the following parameter values will automatically change. This is so that the parameter values will have the settings most appropriate for the selected Chorus Type. You can select these parameters(p.51) and modify the values to adjust the effect to your taste.

Cho Pre-LPF (Chorus Pre Low Pass Filter)

0 — 7

A low pass filter can be applied to the sound coming into the chorus to cut the high frequency range. Higher values will cut more of the high frequencies, resulting in a more mellow chorus sound.

Cho Level (Chorus Level) 0 — 127

This parameter sets the amount of the chorus sound. Higher values will cause the chorus sound to be loud- er.

ChoFeedback (Chorus Feedback Level) 0

— 127

This parameter sets the level at which the chorus sound is returned (fed back) into the chorus. By using feedback, a denser chorus sound can be created. Higher values result in a greater feedback level.

Cho Delay (Chorus Delay Time) 0 — 127

This parameter sets the delay time of the chorus effect. Higher values will cause greater deviation in pitch of the chorus sound.

Cho Rate (Chorus Rate) 0 — 127

This parameter sets the speed (frequency) at which the chorus sound is modulated. Higher values result in faster modulation.

Cho Depth (Chorus Depth) 0 — 127

This parameter sets the depth at which the chorus sound is modulated. Higher values result in deeper modulation.

Cho Rev (Chorus Send Level To Reverb)

0 — 127

This parameter sets the amount of chorus sound that will be sent to the reverb. Higher values result in more sound being sent.

Cho Dly (Chorus Send Level To Delay) 0

— 127

This parameter sets the amount of chorus sound that will be sent to the delay. Higher values result in more sound being sent.

*Chorus Send Level To Delay cannot be used when Double Module Mode (p.116) is selected.

Chapter 3.System Effects