Cho Dly (Chorus pre delay )

0 - 100m [1]

Adjust the time delay from when the direct sound begins until the chorus sound is heard.

Cho Rate (Chorus rate )

0.05 - 10.0 [2]

Adjust the modulation speed of the chorus effect.

Cho Depth (Chorus depth )

0 - 127 [3]

Adjust the modulation depth of the chorus effect.

+Cho Bal (Chorus balance ) D> 0E - D 0<E [5]

Adjust the volume balance between the direct sound and the chorus sound. With a setting of “D> 0E,” only the direct sound will be output. With a setting of “D 0<E,” only the chorus sound will be out- put.

D” or “E” on the display respectively means D(direct sound) or E(effect sound) values of 100.

FL Dly (Flanger pre delay time )

0 - 100m [6]

Adjust the time delay from when the direct sound begins until the flanger sound is heard.

FL Rate (Flanger rate )

0.05 - 10.0 [7]

Adjust the modulation speed of the flanger effect.

FL Depth (Flanger depth )

0 - 127 [8]

Adjust the modulation depth of the flanger effect.

FL Fb (Flanger feedback level ) -98% - +98% [9]

Adjust the proportion (%) of the flanger sound that is fed back into the effect. Negative (-) settings will invert the phase.

#FL Bal (Flanger balance ) D> 0E - D 0<E [10]

Adjust the volume balance between the sound which passes through the flanger and the sound which does not. With a setting of D>0E, only the chorus sound will be output, and with a setting of D 0<E, the chorus sound which passes through the flanger will be output.

D” or “E” on the display respectively means D(direct sound) or E(effect sound) values of 100.

Low Gain

-12 - +12


Adjust the low frequency gain.



Hi Gain (High gain )

-12 - +12


Adjust the high frequency gain.



Level (Output level )

0 - 127


Adjust the output level.



Effects that connect three or more types of effect in series (series 3 / series 4 / series 5)

47: Rotary Multi

[03H, 00H]

This connects Overdrive (OD), 3-band equalizer (EQ), and Rotary (RT) effects in series.



drive EQ Rotary


+OD Drive

0 - 127 [1]

Adjust the depth of distortion. The volume will change together with the depth of distortion.

OD Sw (Overdrive Switch)



Turn the Overdrive effect on/off.



EQ L Gain (EQ Low Gain)

-12 - +12


Adjust the low range gain of the equalizer.

EQ M Fq (EQ Mid Frequency)

200 - 6.3k


Set the center frequency for the equalizer mid-





EQ M Q (EQ Mid Q)



Adjust the width of the area centered at the EQ M Fq setting in which the gain will be affected. The area affected will become narrower as this value is increased.

EQ M Gain (EQ Mid Gain)

-12 - +12 [6]

Adjust the gain of the area specified by the EQ M Fq parameter and the EQ M Q parameter.

EQ H Gain (EQ High Gain)

-12 - +12 [7]

Adjust the high-range gain of the equalizer.

<RT (Rotary)>

RT L Slow (RT Low Frequency Slow Rate)

0.05 - 10.0 [8]

Adjust the speed of the low-range rotor for the low- speed (Slow) setting.

RT L Fast (RT Low Frequency Fast Rate)

0.05 - 10.0 [9]

Adjust the speed of the low-range rotor for the high- speed (Fast) setting.

RT Lo Accl (RT Low Frequency Accelaration)

0 - 15 [10]

Adjust the time over which the rotation speed of the low-range rotor will change from low-speed to high- speed (or high-speed to low-speed) rotation. Smaller values will require greater time to reach the new rotational speed.

RT Lo Lev (RT Low Frequency Level) 0 - 127 [11]

Adjust the volume of the low-range rotor.

RT H Slow (RT High Frequency Slow Rate)

0.05 - 10.0 [12]

Adjust the speed of the high-range rotor for the low- speed (Slow) setting.

Chapter 4. Insertion Effects