#CF Mix

0 - 127 [19]

Adjust the volume of the chorus or flanger sound.

Level (Output level )

0 - 127 [20]

Adjust the output level.




54: Rhodes Multi

[04H, 06H]

Rhodes Multi provides Enhancer (EH), Phaser (PH), Chorus or Flanger (CF), and Tremolo or Pan (TP) effects connected in series.










<EH (Enhancer)>


EH Sens (Enhancer Sensitivity)

0 - 127 [1]

Adjust the depth of the enhancer.


EH Mix (Enhancer Mix Level)

0 - 127 [2]

Adjust the level at which the overtones generated by the enhancer will be mixed with the direct sound.

<PH (Phaser)>

PH Man (Phaser Manual)

100 - 8.0k [3]

Adjust the center frequency at which the sound will be modulated.

PH Rate (Phaser Rate)

0.05 - 6.40


Adjust the modulation speed.



PH Depth (Phaser Depth)

0 - 127


Adjust the modulation depth.



PH Reso (Phaser Resonance)

0 - 127


Adjust the emphasis for the region around the center frequency specified by the PH Man parameter.

PH Mix (Phaser Mix)

0 - 127 [7]

Adjust the proportion of the phase-shifted sound that will be mixed with the direct sound.

<CF (Chorus/Flanger)>

CF Sel (CF Select)

Chorus/Flangr [8]

Select either Chorus or Flanger.

CF LPF (CF Low Pass Filter)

250 - 6.3k/Bypass [9]

Cut the high frequency range of the chorus or flanger sound.

CF Dly (CF Pre Dealy)

0 - 100m [10]

Adjust the time from the direct sound until when the chorus or flanger sound is heard.

CF Rate

0.05 - 6.40 [11]

Adjust the modulation speed.

CF Depth

0 - 127


Adjust the modulation depth.



CF Fb (CF Feedback Level)

-98% - +98%


Adjust the amount (%) of the flanger sound that will be returned to the input. Negative (-) values will invert the phase.

In the case of Chorus, this will have no effect.

CF Mix

0 - 127 [14]

Adjust the volume of the effect sound.

<TP (Tremolo/Pan)>

TP Sel (TP Select)

Trem/Pan [15]

Select either Tremolo or Pan.

TP Mod WV (TP Modulation Wave) Tri/Sqr/Sin/Saw1/Saw2 [16]

Select the way in which tremolo or pan will be mod- ulated.

Tri : The sound will be modulated like a triangle wave.

Sqr : The sound will be modulated like a square wave.

Sin : The sound will be modulated like a sine wave.

Saw1,2 : The sound will be modulated like a sawtooth wave. The “teeth” in Saw1 and Saw2 point in opposite direc- tions.


+TP Mod RT (TP Modulation Rate)

0.05 - 6.40 [17]

Adjust the modulation speed.

#TP Mod Dep (TP Modulation Depth) 0 - 127 [18]

Adjust the modulation depth.

TP Sw (TP Switch)



Turn tremolo or pan on/off.



Level (Output Level)

0 - 127


Adjust the output level.





55: Keyboard Multi

[05H, 00H]

Keyboard Multi provides Ring Modulator (RM), Equalizer (EQ), Pitch Shifter (PS), Phaser (PH) and Delay (Dly) effects connected in series.

Ring Modulator is an effect which applies amplitude modulation (AM) to the input signal, producing bell-like sounds.

Chapter 4. Insertion Effects