Amp Sw (Amp switch)

Off/On [3]

Turn the Amp Type on/off.


Low Gain

-12 - +12 [17]

Adjust the gain of the low frequency range.

Hi Gain (High gain)

-12 - +12 [18]

Adjust the gain of the high frequency range.

#Pan (Output pan)

L63 - 0 - R63 [19]

Adjust the stereo location of the output sound. L63 is far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right.

Level (Output level)

0 - 127 [20]

Adjust the output level.




6: Distortion

[01H, 11H]

This effect produces a more intense distortion than Overdrive.







































































0 - 127 [1]

Adjust the degree of distortion.

Amp Type (Amp simulator type) Small/BltIn/2-Stk/3-Stk [2]

Select the type of guitar amp.

Small : small amp

BltIn : single-unit type amp

2-Stk : large double stack amp

3-Stk : large triple stack amp

Amp Sw (Amp switch)

Off/On [3]

Turn the Amp Type on/off.


Low Gain

-12 - +12 [17]

Adjust the gain of the low frequency range.

Hi Gain (High gain)

-12 - +12 [18]

Adjust the gain of the high frequency range.

#Pan (Output pan)

L63 - 0 - R63 [19]

Adjust the stereo location of the output sound. L63 is far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right.

Level (Output level)

0 - 127 [20]

Adjust the output level.

Effects that modulate the sound (modula- tion type)

7: Phaser

[01H, 20H]

Aphaser adds a phase-shifted sound to the original sound, producing a twisting modulation that creates spaciousness and depth.









































100 - 8.0k [1]

Adjust the basic frequency from which the sound will be modulated.


0.05 - 10.0


Adjust the frequency (period) of modulation.



0 - 127


Adjust the depth of modulation.



Reso (Resonance)

0 - 127


Adjust the amount of emphasis added to the frequency range surrounding the basic frequency determined by the Manual parameter setting.

Mix (Mix level)

0 - 127 [5]

Adjust the ratio with which the phase-shifted sound is combined with the direct sound.

Low Gain

-12 - +12 [17]

Adjust the gain of the low frequency range.

Hi Gain (High gain)

-12 - +12 [18]

Adjust the gain of the high frequency range.

Level (Output level)

0 - 127 [20]

Adjust the output level.




8: Auto Wah

[01H, 21H]

The Auto Wah cyclically controls a filter to create cyclic change in timbre.


Wah EQ Pan


Fil Type (Filter Type)


Select the type of filter.

LPF : The wah effect will be applied over a wide frequency range.

BPF : The wah effect will be applied over a narrow frequency range.

Sens (Sensitivity)

0 - 127 [2]

Adjust the sensitivity with which the filter is con- trolled. If this value is increased, the filter frequency will change more readily in response to the input level.


0 - 127 [3]

Adjust the center frequency from which the effect is applied.

Chapter 4. Insertion Effects