49: GTR Multi 2 (Guitar Multi2)

[04H, 01H]

Guitar Multi 2 provides Compressor (Cmp), Overdrive or Distortion (OD), Equalizer (EQ), and Chorus or Flanger (CF) effects connected in series.









































































<Cmp (Compressor)>










Cmp Atck (Compressor Attack)

0 - 127 [1]

Adjust the time over which the sound will rise after it

is input.










Cmp Sus (Compressor Sustain)

0 - 127 [2]

Adjust the time over which low-level sounds are boosted until they reach a specified volume.

Increasing the value will shorten the time. When the value is modified, the level will also change.

Cmp Level (Compressor Level)

0 - 127 [3]

Adjust the volume of the compressor sound.

Cmp Sw (Compressor Switch)

Off/On [4]

Turn the compressor on/off.


<OD (Overdrive/Distortion)>


OD Sel (OD Select)

Odrv/Dist [5]

Select either Overdrive or Distortion.


+OD Drive (OD Drive)

0 - 127 [6]

Adjust the depth of distortion. The volume will change together with the depth of distortion.

OD Amp (OD Amp Simulator Type) Small/BltIn/2-Stk/3-Stk [7]

Select the type of guitar amp

Small : small amp

BltIn : single-unit type amp

2-Stk : large double stack amp

3-Stk : large triple stack amp

OD Amp Sw (OD Amp Switch)

Off/On [8]

Turn OD Amp on/off.


OD Sw (OD Switch)

Off/On [9]

Turn Overdrive or Distortion on/off.


<EQ (Equalizer)>


EQ L Gain (EQ Low Gain)

-12 - +12 [10]

Adjust the low-range gain of the equalizer.

EQ M Fq (EQ Mid Frequency)

200 - 6.3k [11]

Set the center frequency for the equalizer mid- range.

EQ M Q (EQ Mid Q)

0.5/1.0/2.0/4.0/9.0 [12]

Adjust the width of the area centered at the EQ M Fq setting in which the gain will be affected. The area affected will become narrower as this value is increased.

EQ M Gain (EQ Mid Gain)

-12 - +12 [13]

Adjust the gain of the area specified by the EQ M Fq parameter and the EQ M Q parameter.

EQ H Gain (EQ High Gain)

-12 - +12 [14]

Adjust the high-range gain of the equalizer.

<CF (Chorus/Flanger)>


CF Sel (CF Select)

Chorus/Flangr [15]

Select either Chorus or Flanger.

CF Rate

0.05 - 6.40 [16]

Adjust the speed of modulation for the chorus or flanger.

CF Depth

0 - 127 [17]

Adjust the depth of modulation for the chorus or flanger.

CF Fb (CF Feedback)

-98% - +98% [18]

Adjust the amount (%) of the flanger sound that will be returned to the input. Negative (-) values will invert the phase.

In the case of Chorus, this will have no effect.

#CF Mix (CF Mix)

0 - 127 [19]

Adjust the volume of the chorus or flanger sound.

Level (Output level )

0 - 127 [20]

Adjust the output level.




50: GTR Multi 3 (Guitar Multi3)

[04H, 02H]

Guitar Multi 3 connects Wah (Wah), Overdrive or Distortion (OD), Chorus or Flanger (CF), and Delay (Dly) effects in series.


Wah OD CF Delay



Wah Fil (Wah Filter Type)


Select the type of filter.

LPF : The wah effect will be produced over a broad frequency range.

BPF : The wah effect will be produced in a narrow frequency range.

+Wah Man (Wah Manual)

0 - 127 [2]

Set the center frequency at which the effect will be produced.

Chapter 4. Insertion Effects