#AW Man (Auto-wah Manual)

0 - 127 [8]

Set the center frequency at which the auto-wah effect will be produced.

AW Peak (Auto-wah Peak)

0 - 127 [9]

Adjust the way in which the wah effect will be applied to the region of the center frequency. Lower settings will produce a wah effect in a broad area around the center frequency, and higher settings will produce a wah effect in a narrower area around the center frequency.

AW Rate (Auto-wah Rate)

0.05 - 10.0 [10]

Adjust the modulation speed of the auto-wah.

AW Depth (Auto-wah Depth)

0 - 127 [11]

Adjust the modulation depth of the auto-wah.

AW Pol (Auto-wah Polarity)

Down/Up [12]

Set the direction in which the frequency will change when the auto-wah filter is modulated. With a setting of Up, the filter will change toward a higher fre- quency. With a setting of Down it will change toward a lower frequency.

AW Pan (Auto-wah Output Pan)

L63 - 0 - R63 [18]

Adjust the stereo position of the auto-wah sound. L63 is far left, 0 is center, and R63 is far right.

AW Level (Auto-wah Level)

0 - 127 [19]

Adjust the volume of the auto-wah sound.

Level (Output level )

0 - 127 [20]

Adjust the output level.

<< When using 3D effects >>

The following four 3D effects utilize RSS (Roland Sound Space) technology to create a spaciousness that cannot be produced by delay, reverb, or chorus etc.

20:3D Chorus

28:3D Delay

31:3D Auto

32:3D Manual

When using these effects, we recommend that you place your speakers as follows. Also, make sure that the speakers are at a sufficient distance from the walls on either side.

30˚ 30˚

If the left and right speakers are too far apart, or if there is too much reverberation, the full 3D effect may not appear.

Each of these effects has an “Out (Output Mode)” parameter. If the sound from the OUTPUT jacks will be heard through speakers, set this parameter to Speaker. If the sound will be heard through headphones, set it to Phones. This will ensure that the optimal 3D effect will be heard. If this parameter is not set correctly, the full 3D effect may not appear.

Chapter 4. Insertion Effects