13. FDR service
M Download the IP addresses
•Connect the drive and the FDR server (PLC) to the Ethernet network.
•The server downloads the IP addresses to the Ethernet card.
Check that the operation has proceeded correctly:
• The “STS” LED should be on.
You can also check, in the [1.9 - COMMUNICATION]
M Save the drive configuration parameters in the FDR server
• Configure the drive parameters.
In the [1.9 - COMMUNICATION] (COM-) menu, [ETHERNET] (EtH-) submenu:
•Specify that the drive configuration is to be downloaded from the FDR server on each
•Send a save command to the FDR server: [FDR Action] (FdrA) = [SAVE] (SAUE).
After execution of the command, the [FDR Action] (FdrA) parameter reverts to the value [IDLE] (IdLE).
M Check that the system is operational
Check that the operation has proceeded correctly:
•The “STS” LED should be on.
•The [FDR state] (FdrE) parameter should be at the value [OPE] (OPE).
If the save operation has not been successful, the card triggers a drive status [External fault com.] (EPF2).
b Replacing a drive
•Configure the drive.
•Turn off the drive.
•Connect the drive to the network.
•Check that the drive is operational.
M Configure the drive
In the [1.9 - COMMUNICATION] (COM-) menu, [ETHERNET] (EtH-) submenu:
•Leave the IP address [IP card] (IPC1) (IPC2) (IPC3) (IPC4) at the value [] (0) (0) (0) (0).
•Enable the FDR service: [FDR validation] (FdrU) = [Yes] (YES).
•Specify that the drive configuration is to be downloaded from the FDR server on each
These configurations are the default values.
Enter the device name, [DEVICE NAME], in the [7. DISPLAY CONFIG.] menu, [7.1 USER PARAMETERS] submenu.
This menu can only be accessed in expert mode: In the [2 ACCESS LEVEL]
M Turn the drive off and then back on again
Turn the drive off and then back on again (control voltage if a separate power supply is being used), otherwise the device name is not taken into account.
M Connect the drive to the network
M Check that the system is operational
Check that the operation has proceeded correctly:
•The “STS” LED should be on.
•The [FDR state] (FdrE) parameter should be at the value [OPE] (OPE).
If downloading has not been possible after a period of 2 min following assignment of the IP addresses, the card triggers a drive status [External fault com.] (EPF2).