Implementing WINS Planning for WINS Server Implementation
Product Manual U7613-J-Z815-6-76
© Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 1995 Pfad: D:\O7613e6\u7613e.k10 Planning for Replication Convergence Time
The time needed to replicate a new entry in a WINS database from the WINS server that
owns the entry to all other WINS servers on the network is called convergence time. When
planning for WINS servers, you need to decide the acceptable conv ergence time for your
For information about convergence time, see the Microsoft Windows NT Resource Kit
Networking Guide. Planning for WINS Server Fault Tolerance
The two basic types of WINS server failures are as follows:
A WINS server can crash or be stopped to perform maintenance.
Network failures, including failures of routers and link stations.
For information about WINS server fault tolerance, see the Microsoft Windows NT Resource
Kit Networking Guide.
10.2.3 Planning for WINS Server Performance
When planning for a large-scale power outage where many computers will go on line simul-
taneously, the conservative recommendation is that you plan to include one WINS server
and a backup server for every 10,000 computers on the network.
The maximum rate at which a WINS Server can handle registrations and que ries depends
almost solely on the CPU performance, as long as the media bandwidth is clearly below
saturation. Adding more CPUs to an Advanced Server computer running the WINS service
does not improve this maximum rate, since the service is implemented within one UNIX
process. WINS server replication response time can be improved measurably by placing
the WINS database files on a less utilized disk.
After you establish WINS servers on an intranet, you can adjust the time between a WINS
client name registration and name renewal. This is referred to as the Renewal Interval.
Setting this interval to reduce the numbers of registrations can help tune server response
time. (The Renewal Interval is specified in the WINS Server Configuration dialog box.)
The default value for the renewa l interval (6 days) has been choosen with care! You
should not configure shorter renewal intervals unless you have specific reas ons to
do so.