Advanced Server Registry Advanced Server Key Descriptions
Product Manual U7613-J-Z815-6-76
© Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 1995 Pfad: D:\O7613e6\u7613e.k13
ConnectTimeout REG_DWORD 0 - infinity
Sets the maximum time in seconds for blocking by the Ale rter service if a name to which
an alert is to be sent can be found, i.e. resolved, but the computer is not av ailable.
This setting is also used by the Browser service, if lists of remote compute rs are
requested whose names can be found, i.e. resolved, but the computers are not
Default: 10
13.5.2 File Service Parameters Entries
The Registry path that contains entries for the Advanced Server file service i s as follows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Ser vices
AclCacheSize REG_DWORD 0 - 100
Specifies the number of entries in ACL cache which keeps tr ack of the results or recent
access checks performed on Advanced Server resources.
Default: 6
EAFilePrefix REG_SZ Character string
Prefix used to name files containing extended attribute data. For example, by default,
the extended attributes for file foo are stored in .EA@foo.
Default: .EA@
EnableSoftCompat REG_DWORD 0, 1, or 2
Specifies how Advanced Server handles file opens in read-only compatibility mode.
Use 0 to keep the compatibility mode; 1 to translate to read-only/DenyWrite mode for
files with special extensions (for example, .EXE, .COM, and .BAT) specified by the
value of the EnableSoftFileExtensions key; and 2 to translate to read-only /DenyWrite
mode for all file opens.
1 - for AS/X V4.0A0 (translate files with special extensions to
2 - for AS/X since V4.0A10 (translate to read-only/DenyWrite mode for all file