Advanced Server Registry Advanced Server Key Descriptions
Product Manual U7613-J-Z815-6-76
© Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 1995 Pfad: D:\O7613e6\u7613e.k13
13.5.4 Parameters Entries
The Registry path that contains entries for the Advanced Server Parameters is as follows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Ser vices
BigEndianLuidCompatibilityMode REG_DWORD 0 or 1
This keyword only applies to to big-endian Advanced Server impl ementations like
Siemens Advanced Server for RM systems. When the value of this keyword is set to 0,
big-endian Advanced Server return security privilege information to the client only in
INTEL byte order. If the value of this keyword is 1, then this information is returned in
both INTEL and big-endian byte orders. Setting this parameter to 1 allows Windows NT
Version 3.51 clients to administer big-endian Advanced Servers. Windows NT Version
V4.0 or later clients can administer Advanced Server regardle ss of the setting of this
keyword. The value of this keyword must be set to 0 in order to install Micro soft
Exchange Server correctly on a Windows NT Version 4.0 Server that is a backup
domain controller to a big-endian Advanced Server primary domain controll er.
Default: 1
Parameter is supported since Advanced Server for UNIX V4.0A1 0.
CallXpstatDev REG_DWORD 0 or 1
Controls whether the device status of Spool V4.x is queried or not.
Querying the device status is more time consuming. The current prin t job on the device
cannot be displayed with CallXpstatDev set to 0.
(Only applicable for Spool V4.x).
Default: 0 (no query)
CheckPrintQueueInMinutes REG_DWORD 1 - infinity
The interval in minutes at which the server determines whether a pr inter queues should
be started.
Default: 10 minutes