Advanced Server Registry UPS Service Parameters Entries
Product Manual U7613-J-Z815-6-76
© Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 1995 Pfad: D:\O7613e6\u7613e.k13
0 or 1
Specifies whether the import server should try to update directories when a us er name
is logged on locally.
Default: 1
UnixDirectoryGroup REG_SZ Character string
Specifies the UNIX system group account name for replicated directories .
Default: DOS----
UnixDirectoryOwner REG_SZ Character string
Specifies the UNIX system user account name for replicated directories.
Default: lmxadmin
UnixFileGroup REG_SZ Character string
Specifies the UNIX system group account name for replicated files.
Default: DOS----
UnixFileOwner REG_SZ Character string
Specifies the UNIX system user account name for replicated files.
Default: lmxadmin
13.14 UPS Service Parameters Entries
The Registry path that contains entries for the Advanced Server Uninterrupted Power
Source service is as follows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Ser vices\UPS\Parameters
Specifies whether UPS service will be enabled.
Default: 1 (disables UPS service)
You can change the value of this key using the AS/U Administrator.