Advanced Server Registry Advanced Server Key Descriptions
Product Manual U7613-J-Z815-6-76
© Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 1995 Pfad: D:\O7613e6\u7613e.k13
Limits the number of servers and Windows NT clients that can authenticate with t he
server. This figure should be large because it limits the number of Windows NT clients
that can contact the server. On a primary domain controller, it must be at least the
number of servers and Windows NT clients in the domain.
Default: 100
NumUStructs REG_DWORD 1 - infinity
The number of structures allocated in shared memory to handle record lock and open
file records. The sum of open files and record locks cann ot exceed the value of this key.
Default: 1000
SpareServerTime REG_DWORD 0 - infinity
The interval in seconds that a spare lmx.srv process is allowed to run without serving a
client before being terminated.
Default: 120 seconds (2 minutes)
StopOnCore REG_DWORD 0 or 1
Specifies whether the lmx.ctrl process is to stop if it finds that an lmx.srv process has
terminated unexpectedly.
Default: 0 (do not stop Advanced Server)
0 -
Instable clients can block a processs "lmx.srv" which then cannot answer any more to
queries of the the process "lmx.ctrl". If the value of the parameter is g reater than 0, then
the process "lmx.srv" controls the read-write-operations of the clients with this timer. If
the client is down or hanging then the process "lmx.srv" ends the connecti on with this
Clients which are only inactive will not be influenced. Please change the pr edefined
values only if in the system log there is an entry "lmx.srv not responding for 180
Default: 0 seconds
This functionality is not supported with the current version of Advanced Server
for UNIX V4.0.