into the memory.
The Sequential Read function is used to read the contents of the
1.Specify the starting address in the Address box.
2.Specify the number of bytes to be copied into the file in the Length box. If the entire contents of the
3.Press Load Memory Content to a File button.
4.When the Control Panel responds with the standard Windows dialog box asking for the destination file, specify the desired file in the usual manner.
Users can use the similar way to access the SSRAM and Flash. Please note that users need to erase the flash before writing data to it.
3.5 USB Monitoring
The Control Panel provides users a USB monitoring tool which monitors the
Follow the steps below to exercise the USB Mouse Monitoring tool:
1.Choosing the USB tab leads to the window in Figure 3.8.
2.Plug an USB mouse to the USB HOST port on the
3.Press the Start button to start the USB mouse monitoring process, and button caption is changed from Start to Stop. In the monitoring process, the status of the USB mouse is updated and shown in the Control Panel’s GUI window in