6.10 Audio Recording and Playing
This demonstration shows how to implement an audio recorder and player using the
Figure 6.18 shows the man-machine interface of this demonstration. Two push buttons and six toggle switches are used for users to configure this audio system: SW0 is used to specify recording source to be Line-in or MIC-In. SW1 is to enable/disable MIC Boost when the recoding source is MIC-In. SW2 is used to enable/disable Zero-Cross Detection for audio playing. SW3, SW4 and SW5 are used to specify recording sample rate as 96K, 48K, 44.1K, 32K, or 8K. The 16x2 LCD is used to indicate the Recording/Playing status. The seg7 is used to display Recording/Playing duration with time unit in 1/100 second. The LED is used to indicate the audio signal strength. Table 6.4 summarizes the usage of toggle switches for configuring the audio recorder and player.
Record/Play Status 
Record/Play Duration
Signal Strength
Sample rate | Record |
| Audio Source |
MIC Boost
Figure 6.18. Man-Machine Interface of Audio Recorder and Player.
Figure 6.19 shows the block diagram of the design of the Audio Recorder and Player. There are hardware part and software part in the block diagram. The software part means the Nios II program that stored in SSRAM. The software part is built by Nios II IDE in C programming language. The