1.Press [ LEVEL: ^ ], [ 6 ], [ 1 ], to start the test.
2.Firmly press each button except [CLEAR]. The name of the key will be shown in the display window. Press [CLEAR] to end the test.
Serial Port Test
This test verifies that the RS 232 port used for linking to external C.S.A.F.E. systems (commercial entertainment systems) is working. You must have the
1.Insert the
2.Press [ LEVEL: ^ ], [ 6 ], [ 2 ]. The console will display “SERIAL TESTS.” Press [ENTER] to access the C.S.A.F.E. test.
3.Press [ENTER] a second time. The console will run a diagnostic test and then display either “PASS” or “FAIL.” Replace the console if it fails this test.
Alternator Test
Use this test to verify the alternator field routines of the console. You will need to briefly exercise on the machine for this test.
1.Press [ LEVEL: ^ ], [ 6 ], [ 3 ], to start the test.
2.For “Field on” press [ LEVEL: ^]. Step on the machine for approximately 10 to 15 seconds. If full resistance is achieved during this time, your console has correct current flow. If no resistance is achieved, either the console or the alternator is bad. See the electrical troubleshooting portion of this manual to isolate and test the alternator. Replace the console if the alternator is good.
3.For ‘Field off” press [ LEVEL: V]. Step on the machine for approximately 10 to 15 seconds. You should not get resistance with the field turned off. Press [CLEAR] to end the test.
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