If you install a replacement board into the system:
1.Check if the firmware level of the replacement board is the same as the board you replaced. Incompatible boards are noted by the Failed board state in the output of the showboards command.
2.If the board level is not the same as the board you replaced, perform the flashupdate procedure on the board.
3.If a board was noted by the Failed state in showboards, after you flashupdate a compatible version, power off the board to clear the Failed state.
Before you update the flash images, make sure the firmware on the replacement board is compatible with the firmware of the board you are replacing for scapp, CPU/Memory board, and I/O assembly PROMs. New firmware is loaded if you reboot the domain or turn the domain keyswitch off with setkeyswitch off and then turn it on with setkeyswitch on.
■To determine the version number of the current firmware:
1. Use the showboards -p proms command.
2.Compare the x.y.z number format. If x and y are the same, then the flash images are compatible.
The new firmware may also contain a new rtos image. If the rtos image that is currently installed is different than the rtos supplied with the software, you must upgrade the rtos image.
■To determine the version number of the current rtos:
1.Use showsc. The README file contains the version number of the new rtos image.
There is currently no method to determine that the scapp and rtos versions are compatible.
40 Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Controller Command Reference Manual • October 2001