This book describes the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 system controller command line interface. The system controller is responsible for controlling system functions, environmental monitoring, domain control, and hardware control of the server.
Using the command line interface, you can configure the platform and domains, power on and off domains, power supplies, fans, and other components. Access to the Solaris domain console is also possible using the command line interface.
Before You Read This Book
This book is written for system administrators or people who have a working knowledge of the Solaris™ operating environment. If you do not have such knowledge, you should first read the Solaris User and System Administrator AnswerBooks and consider UNIX® system administration training. For the documentation URLs, see “Accessing Sun Documentation Online” on page xv.
How This Book Is Organized
This book contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1 introduces you to the system controller and briefly describes platform administration and domain administration.
Chapter 2 explains system controller command syntax, command names, and command arguments.