Configures parameters for the platform. This command is an interactive command. You are prompted for parameters to configure. For parameters to configure, see TABLE
TABLE 3-11 setupplatform Parameter Values
Parameter | Description |
Is the System Controller on a Network?
Use DHCP or static network settings?
Hostname (Network parameter)
IP address (Network parameter) Netmask (Network parameter)
Gateway (Network parameter) DNS Domain (Network parameter)
Primary DNS Server (Network parameter)
Secondary DNS Server (Network
Log Facility
SNMP Agent?
Platform Description
If the answer is no, leave all network parameters as unconfigured. You will be prompted to enter the hostname. If the answer if yes, you are prompted to configure the network settings.
•DHCP means the system controller network configuration is retrieved from a DHCP server.
•Static means the network settings will be manually configured. If you select the static setting, you will be asked for the following network parameters.
The human readable network identity for this system controller.
The network identity used by computers.
For this value, specify how much of the address should be reserved for subdividing networks into subnetworks. Must be specified in
IP address of the gateway.
Domain name. For example, xxx.xxx.com.
IP address of your primary DNS server.
IP address of your secondary DNS server.
The name or the IP address of the loghost for this domain (SNMP).
The log facility. Facility is defined by the Solaris operating environment syslogd in /etc/syslog.conf.The default is local0.
The SNMP agent enables or disables SNMP. The default is SNMP disabled.
Default value is the platform model name.
82 Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Controller Command Reference Manual • October 2001