Font attributes, e.g. “bold” can be specified after designation through corresponding ESC
Technical Details
Font Designation
The use of the font designation code CSIn1;n2space D needs further explanation. (Note:
CSI is 9B; you can use ESC[, 1B 5BH, instead if you wish.)
The parameter n1 Register to use.
This paramer can take values of 0 to 9. The default allocation of fonts to these registers is
given in the printer’s manual.
The parameter n2 What to put in the register.
This parameter is held as a 16 bit number in the printer. It is made up as below:

The lower eight bits (0 to 255)

These encode the typeface and are as given in the manual with the exception that 5 is
OCR-B and 6 is OCR-A.
0 = Roman 1 = Sans Serif 2 = Courier 4 = Script
5 = OCR-B 6 = OCR-A 7 = Modern 8 = Kaufmann
9 = Gothic 10 = Helvette 11 = Quadrato 66 = Courier IBM

The upper eight bits

Only bits 9 (512H) and 11 (2048H) are used. All the other bits must be left at 0. Bits 9 and
11 set print quality: Bit 11 Bit 9
0 0 Letter Quality
1 0 Near Letter Quality
When Draft (01) is selected the lower eight bits have a new meaning:
0 = Multicopy Draft 1 = Fast Draft 2 = Normal Draft
to specify a type face with a print quality add the decimal values and convert to an ASCII
Example 1: Courier LQ = 00 + 2 Number = 2
Example 2: Script NLQ = 10 (2048) + 4 Number = 2052
Example 3: Draft = 01 (512) + 1 Number = 513
So CSI7;513 D i.e.: 9B 37 3B 35 31 33 20 44H (or ESC[7;513 D i.e. 1B 5B 37 3B 35 31
33 20 44 H) will put Fast Draft in font register 7. The sequence ESC[17m will select this
register as the font to use.
44 Character Styling