n1= 480 MOD 256
= dec.224
= hex.E0
Movement of 53 inches (1.67 inches) towards the left side:
n = 65536 - 1.67 * 120
= 65336
n2= INT (65336256)
= dec.255
= hex.FF
n1= 65336 MOD 256
= dec.56
= hex.38
Note that you obtain the same result by using the formula given for calculating n1 and n2
for absolute horizontal step (see sequence ESC $). Only the method of calculations is
different. The two different methods give the same result and therefore the programmer
should use the method best suited for his application.
Example 10 REM relative horizontal position
20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"\";CHR$(224);CHR$(1);"+480";
30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"\";CHR$(56);CHR$(255);"-200";
40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"\";CHR$(50);CHR$(0);"+50";
60 END
54 Print Positioning