
Graphic Modes ESC % ...

CSI 6 z CSI 5 z
Data Structure ASCII ESC "%" n n1;n
; DATA [C] set dpi for graphics
hex. 1B 25 n n13B n23B DATA
dec. 27 37 n n159 n259 DATA
ASCII CSI "6" "z" [C] graphics invers
hex. 9B 36 7A
dec. 155 54 122
ASCII CSI "5" "z" [C] graphics unchanged
hex. 9B 35 7A
dec. 155 53 122
Description For n the following parameters are available:
n dpi
3 33 51 graphics 60 dpi
4 34 52 graphics 120 dpi
5 35 53 graphics 80 dpi
6 36 54 graphics 240 dpi
7 37 55 graphics 240 dpi
8 38 56 graphics 72 dpi
9 39 57 graphics 90 dpi
Data following the graphic-CSI-sequence are printed out as dot pattern. n1 and n2 define
the length of the data sequence.
Graphics 65