Setting the form length to 72 lines
Escape Sequence ESC C <n>
with n=72
Transfer ASCII ESC "C" "H"
hex. 1B 43 48
100 REM Sample for the ESC C <n> sequence in ASCII,
110 REM using form with 72 lines.
120 REM Please note, in ASCII-Syntax you can use ASCII values
130 REM equal or bigger codetable no. 32 only.
140 REM LPRINT CHR$(27);"C";"H": REM mixed syntax;
150 REM set form length up to 72 lines
160 REM The same sequence written in hexadecimal syntax
170 LPRINT CHR$(&H1B);CHR$(&H43);CHR$(&H48);
180 REM set form length up to 12 lines
190 REM The same sequence written in decimal syntax
200 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(67);CHR$(72);
210 REM set form length up to 72 lines
Setting the form length to 12 inches
Escape Sequence ESC C NUL <n>
with n=12
hex. 1B 43 00 0C
dec. 27 67 0 12
100 REM Sample for the ESC C NUL <n> sequence in ASCII,
110 REM using form with 12 inch length.
120 REM Please note, in ASCII-Syntax you can use ASCII values
130 REM equal or bigger codetable no. 32 only.
140 REM LPRINT CHR$(27);"C";CHR$(0);CHR$(12): REM mixed syntax;
150 REM set form length up to 12 inch
160 REM The same sequence written in hexadecimal syntax
170 LPRINT CHR$(&H1B);CHR$(&H43);CHR$(&H0);CHR$(&HC);
180 REM set form length up to 12 inch
190 REM The same sequence written in decimal syntax
200 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(67);CHR$(0);CHR$(12);
210 REM set form length up to 12 inch
4 Introduction