Half-Speed Printing ESC s
Data Structure ASCII ESC "s" <n>
hex. 1B 73 <n>
dec. 27 115 <n>
Description With n=1 the print speed is reduced by half. The result is a lower printer noise level.
With n=0 the normal print speed is set.
Example 10 REM selects half-speed printing
20 LPRINT "This is full speed print in LQ mode"
30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"s";CHR$(1);:REM set half speed
40 LPRINT "This is half speed print in LQ mode"
50 LPRINT " (Quiet Mode)
60 LPRINT CHR$(27);"s";CHR$(0);:REM Set full speed
70 LPRINT CHR$(27);"x";CHR$(0):REM Set draft mode"
80 LPRINT "This is full speed print in draft mode"
90 LPRINT CHR$(27);"s";CHR$(1);:REM set half speed
100 LPRINT "This is half speed print in draft mode"
110 LPRINT " (Quiet Mode)
120 LPRINT CHR$(28);"@" Resets printer
130 END
Miscellaneous 97